Audience: All Users


In this article, we will cover how to claim mileage for your expense submission. Neo1 comes equipped with an automatic mileage calculator which integrates into Google maps to make entering mileage simple.

For administrators, you can easily create mileage rates which support tiered reimbursement rates based on annual total mileage travelled within Settings > Mileage. Click here for the guide on working with Mileage rates in Neo1.

For users, follow the steps provided to setup your vehicles and create an out of pocket mileage claim.


Setting up your Vehicles

Step 1: Log into Neo1 and access the vehicle section of your User profile


Step 2: Click Create Vehicle to begin

Step 3: Add your vehicle. Choose the type of car/rate that you wish to assign to your vehicle and provide a name. Note: there type is configured by your Administrator

Click Confirm, and you are now ready to claim mileage!

Creating and submitting a mileage claim

Follow these steps to create a new out of pocket mileage reimbursement claim:

Step 1: Open Spend and click Create transaction 

Step 2: Fill the required sections and select Mileage as your Expense Type (the name of this expense type may have been changed by your Administrator, so look for the one most applicable)

The claim details screen will change to reflect the Google Map on the right hand side, and fields will open to allow you to add the addresses of the start and destination.

Complete the following required fields:


Merchant : Type Mileage or Car

Mileage Vehicle: Make sure you chose your correct vehicle

Start: Address or postcode of your start point

End: Address or postcode of your destination

You can also Add a Waypoint to add stops to the route (useful for diversions or visiting multiple locations on a trip) and select Make arrival the same as departure tocCreate a round trip.

Step 3: If you need to subtract any mileage for your standard commute, this can be entered in Personal Distance.

Step 4: Complete your coding segments as you would any other transaction with the required information (as as cost centre, client etc). Save changes (at this point your total reimbursable amount will be calculated) and Submit for approval

That's it!