Audience: Neo1 Admins


You can create multiple vehicle types and rates in Neo1 to allow your users to enter and reclaim mileage, or kilometric allowance, for using personal vehicles for work.

Neo1 supports tiered rates for total number of miles/kilometres covered within a tax year


Setting mileage rates

Step 1: Click on Settings

Step 2: Click on Expense

Step 3: Click on Mileage

Step 4: Click on Create vehicle type in the top right

Step 5: Use the input form to create your vehicle type and define the rates and tiers applicable

  • Name: Give your vehicle type a name
  • Currency: Set the default currency
  • Activate: Tick the box to active this vehicle type
  • Rate tiers: Click on Tier 1, and input the amount per unit, and any required distance limit
  • If you wish to use tiering (for example, the first 10,000 miles is paid at 0.45 per mile, then 0.25 after that) you need to input a Distance Limit, then select Tier 2 and enter your lowered rate. Repeat for Tier 3 if also required. 


Step 6: Click on Confirm

 TIP: You can create separate Vehicle Types for staff with or without a car allowance, and for different types of transport such as motorcycles.

Next Steps: Creating Spend Policy