Audience: Neo1 Admins


Expense Types - This is selected within the creation of an expense line to document what type of expense was incurred. When mapped, this selection will automate the Account/PL/Nominal Code assignment. 
As an example, selecting the expense type "Accommodation" would automate the assignment of the Hotel/Travel account code from your finance tool.


Mapping Expense types

Once you have loaded your Chart of Accounts field (via integrated or manual load), you are now ready to map your expense types 

Step 1: Click on Settings 

Step 2: Click on Expense  

Step 3: Click on Expense types

Step 4: You will find that Neo1 has a library of default expense types defaulted into several categories that are popular for most accounting setups. You will begin your mapping by clicking Edit (pencil icon) to the far right of the expense type name

Step 5: Within the expense type edit window, you will have the option to complete the following: 

  • Rename the expense type (to align with your internal naming conventions)
  • Assign a tax code (as applicable)
  • Determine whether the expense type should be active 
  • Assign default coding field
    • This is where you will find your loaded chart of accounts and default the appropriate account/PL/nominal code to align with your financial tool. 
    • Additional default field coding can be applied as applicable (i.e. you can assign a certain client or department as the default for this expense type. It can be changed by the submitting user, as necessary).  

Step 6: When you are done mapping the expense type then click on Confirm

Step 7: You will complete this mapping for all expense types that you wish to use within your spend setup.

Tip: To avoid confusion, be sure to deactivate any expense types you are not using.

Check your default coding source

Once all expense types are mapped, you can ensure that this mapping is defaulted when an expense type is selected in a spend submission by revisiting your Chart of Accounts/Account Code field

Step 1: Click on Settings 

Step 2: Click on Expense 

Step 3: Click on Edit default automation rules 

Step 4: Then select Expense type as a default coding source.

Step 5: Click on Confirm to save this change

Next Steps:  
Setting Mileage Rates (optional)
Setting Spend Policy (optional)
Connecting Corporate Cards (if applicable)