Audience: Neo1 Admins


When creating field codes for an established field, you are presented with the option to assign a "code approver". Code approver settings allows an assigned user to be granted visibility and control over spend (expense/budget) submissions that include that particular code. 

When a code approver is assigned, any submissions with that code will trigger an approval request, routed to that code approver. 


Creating a code approver

To create a code approver, you must first create a field following this guide

Within that set-up process, you will then be tasked with creating your field codes, and a code approver can be assigned at that time.

Step 1: Click on Settings  

Step 2: Click on Expense 

Step 3: Click on the desired field 

In the example below our field is Client Name


Step 4: Add a new value or edit an existing Value

Step 5: Click on the dropdown under Code Approver and select the user who will be the code approver for this specific code.

Note: When a code approver is assigned, any submissions with that code will trigger an approval request, routed to that code approver

Step 7: Click on Confirm

Step 7: Repeat the above steps for other codes that require a code approver

Managing approvals as a code approver

When a spend item (budget/expense) has been submitted by a user, including a code with an established code approver, the code approver will be notified, via email, that they have a pending approval request. 

Step 1: Log into Neo1

Step 2: Click on Authorize. You will be presented with a list of your pending approval request.

Step 3: You will be presented with a list of your pending approval request


Step 4: Hover your mouse over the Expense line and on the right hand-side of the line 3 options will appear:

Approve (tick icon)

Reject (reject icon)

View Expense (eyeball icon)

Next Steps: Now that we have covered Field Code Approvers, let's review Field Dependencies