Audience: Neo1 Admins


Creating a spend policy will allow you to define a spend limit for a specific expense type. When a spend policy is set, expense submissions containing that expense type will then be effectively labeled as out of policy anytime a submission exceeds the established threshold. 

For instance, if an airfare policy is set at $1000, and a user submits an airfare expense for approval that is $1,500, that submission will be marked as "out of policy". This will be visible to the employee and assigned supervisor tasked with approval of that submission. 

Tip: When setting hotel spend policy, note that this is for the total booking and not a per night limit


Creating a spend policy

Neo1 comes with a default spend policy. You can add/delete or edit the default values

Step 1: Click on Settings wheel

Step 2: Click on Expense view scope

Step 3:Click on Spend Policies. This will opens the Neo1 spend policy module.

Step 3: Click on the (create spend policy) to add new spend policies for your expense types

Step 4: Select the Expense type and add the maximum amount of the expense type. The entry of country/state will allow spend policies to be set by location

Step 5: Click on Confirm

Step 6: Repeat this step to create the full spend policy

Changing a spend policy 

Step 1: Click on Settings

Step 2: Click on Expense ,  then Spend Policies

Step 3: To edit an existing spend policy, hover your mouse over the expense type and click on Edit (pencil icon)

Step 4: Modify the details and click on Confirm

Removing a spend policy 

Step 1: Click on Settings

Step 2: Click on Expense, Spend policies

Step 3: To remove an existing spend policy, hover your mouse over the expense type and click on Delete (trash icon)

Note: The Spend policy is for Expense management. If you need to set a Travel Policy for booking travel then click on this link

Next Steps: Connect your Corporate Card (if applicable)
Authorize Users to Create Cash Expenses (if applicable)