Reporting Overview (Expense)

  1. Spend Reporting Dashboard

    Audience: All Users Purpose In this article, we will cover the reporting dashboard within Neo1.  Understanding the reporting dashboar...

    Fri, 3 May, 2024 at 6:00 PM

  2. Predefined Spend Reports

    Audience: All Users Purpose The platform includes 14 Predefined Reports which cover a range of spend and analytical functions, allowing you to...

    Tue, 23 Jan, 2024 at 9:28 AM

  3. Spend Report Builder

    Audience: All Users Purpose In this article, we will cover how to utilize the report builder feature to create a custom spend report.  Over...

    Tue, 18 Jun, 2024 at 2:41 PM

  4. Multi Company Reporting

    Audience: All Users Purpose Alongside reporting on your own spend, and managing the spend of your business, the platform can also provide reportin...

    Tue, 18 Jun, 2024 at 2:58 PM